Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog 3

I think that I would be like Yossarian about not going to war, but alot of the things that he believe I dont. Like Yossarian thinks that everyone is out to kill me. If it was me in war I know that people or not just out to kill me but out to kill everybody. I would do anything I could to get out of war. Yossarian decided to stay in the hospital to get out of war I would have used other things that would get me sent home. The only reason I would fight for is freedom and.

“The only freedom we really have is the freedom to say no.” I believe that me meant the we as the people are not really not free. To me being free is doing whatever you want, and we cant do that. In a small way I don't believe that we really have the freedom to say no, but if you get draft they can't say "NO". So I believe that we don't even have that much freedom to even say no.

The rapid shift changes in the story makes it more intersting. It helps you to get a picture image of what going on. Like the hospital I could see all the people in the faking acting like they where sick, and the man who was rapped up. Also when they where in the tents I could tell that it was nice, and stayed clean. The rapid shift changes make the reader want to read more, because they want to see whats next.